How do I handle the conversation with my child?
Geplaatst op: 06-02-2019Children will not tell themselves that they participate in challenges, but how do you find out? Or how do you prevent them from participating.
Orthopedagogue Mariëlle Beckers put a number of tips for you in a row.
1. Stay involved with your child
If you know what his interests are and who he is dealing with and where he is, you often have a better idea of whether they participate in such games
2. Talk to your child about these kinds of challenges
For example, following a news report about this. Do not be judgmental ('What a stupid thing if you do this') but ask your child if he has ever done this and / or what he would do if friends suggested this. This way you prevent your child from secretly participating in challenges with all the risks that entails.
3. I-message
If your child has participated in a challenge, explain why you do not think this is a good idea. Use the 'I-message' for this, so say something like that; 'I do not like you doing this, because I'm afraid ... etc.' Also say that you would like it if there is no repetition, but do not be judgmental
4. Do not punish
Punishing your child because he wants to participate or has done, does not work. Such challenges are often done under peer pressure and your child has to learn to resist this.
5. Strong together
Keep in touch with parents of friends and inform them if necessary. If parents take a position together, it works better, because that is how the entire group of friends is tackled at once.
Source: JM ouders - Mariëlle Beckers - Internet challenges: tips for parents (